
Climate Farm Demo Mid-Term Annual Meeting

June 4-5, Online – The Climate Farm Demo midterm annual meeting, held on June 4 and 5, brought together around 150 attendees. The event featured a series of workshops primarily aimed at Climate Farm Advisors (CFAs) and their critical role in the project. Participants engaged in interactive discussions and workshops, underscoring the significance of such meetings for a project of this scale.

Over 160 Agriculture Professionals Gather to Advance Climate-Smart Farming Practices

CORK, IRELAND – [October 10-12] – In a momentous gathering, over 160 dedicated agriculture
professionals, including project partners, farmers, advisors, and researchers, converged in Cork
from October 10th to 12th for the joint annual meeting of two prominent EU-funded projects,
Climate Farm Demo and ClieNFarms. Their common objective: enhancing collaboration and encourage the implementation of climate-smart farming practices throughout the continent.