Welcome to Climate Farm Demo

Adapting agricultural production systems to climate change by adoption of Climate Smart Farming practices and solutions at Demo Events organised at Demo Farms across Europe.

Enhancing farmer-to-farmer learning

Use our features to enhance your knowledge about climate farming!

Learning at Farm Demo Events

Peer to peer and Advisor to Farmer learning at 4.500 in person and virtual events

A&M Solutions Repository

Easily searchable database of Climate Adaptation & Mitigation solutions, tested in 10 Living Labs and ready for implementation

Network of European Demo Farms

EU-wide highly connected network of 1.500 Pilot Demonstration Farms.

Join us at Demo Events

Visit Demonstration Events at various Demonstration Farms across Europe

Get familiar with all of our Demo Farms across the Europe

Climate Farm Demo project creates unique pan-European Network of Pilot Demo Farms to enable peer-to-peer learning and implementation of Climate Smart Farming solutions to adapt agricultural production to climate change and go towards carbon neutral EU agricultural sector.

Learn about climate solutions at Demo Events

Farm Demo Events are crossing points for all actors from agricultural sector where all together learn from each other and share knowledge in a very doable way, by making connections and experiencing new approaches in a real farm surrounding.

Learn the best climate friendly practices with our Solution Repository

Solution Repository is all-in-one place for Climate Smart Farming solutions, tools, practices, guiddelines, and more, organised for you and easily searchable per several criterias

Social Media Wall

Latest posts from our Social Media. Follow and don’t miss a thing about this hot topic.

🌱 Stay Updated 📅 📩 Subscribe to our #newsletter to receive the latest updates from Climate Farm Demo and @CSAdvisors_EU .

🗓️ The next issue is scheduled for release on Tuesday, June 11. Ensure you're subscribed: https://climatefarmdemo.eu/category/updates/newsletter/ 🔗

🌍 Celebrating #WorldEnvironmentDay2024 🌱Today, we spotlight the transformative work of the Climate Farm Demo project. Engaging 1,500 pilot farms across 27 countries, this initiative pioneers climate-smart agriculture.

#ClimateFarmDemo #SustainableAgriculture #ClimateAction

➡️ Einladung zum @ClimateFarmDemo-Workshop: Gemeinsam Klimastrategien entwickeln!

Klimaschutz und Klimafolgenanpassung sind in aller Munde, aber was bedeutet das konkret für euren Betrieb? 🌱

Anmeldung bei Siw Fasting: WhatsApp: 015225788036 / siw.fasting@gruenlandzentrum.de

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🌱 Stay Updated 📅 📩 Subscribe to our #newsletter to receive the latest updates from Climate Farm Demo and @CSAdvisors_EU .

🗓️ The next issue is scheduled for release on Tuesday, June 11. Ensure you're subscribed: https://climatefarmdemo.eu/category/updates/newsletter/ 🔗

🌍 Celebrating #WorldEnvironmentDay2024 🌱Today, we spotlight the transformative work of the Climate Farm Demo project. Engaging 1,500 pilot farms across 27 countries, this initiative pioneers climate-smart agriculture.

#ClimateFarmDemo #SustainableAgriculture #ClimateAction

➡️ Einladung zum @ClimateFarmDemo-Workshop: Gemeinsam Klimastrategien entwickeln!

Klimaschutz und Klimafolgenanpassung sind in aller Munde, aber was bedeutet das konkret für euren Betrieb? 🌱

Anmeldung bei Siw Fasting: WhatsApp: 015225788036 / siw.fasting@gruenlandzentrum.de

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