Climate Farm Demo External Newsletter #6
Welcome to our joint newsletter #6! Get ready for the latest updates and insights from Climate Farm Demo and ClimateSmartAdvisors.
Peer-to-peer og rådgiver-til-landmand læring og udveksling ved 4.500 fysiske og virtuelle begivenheder
Let søgbar database med redskaber og løsninger til klimatilpasning, testet i 10 levende laboratorier og klar til implementering
Et netværk af 1.500 pilotdemonstrationsbedrifter stærkt knyttet på tværs af EU.
Welcome to our joint newsletter #6! Get ready for the latest updates and insights from Climate Farm Demo and ClimateSmartAdvisors.
Welcome to another joint newsletter of the Climate Farm Demo and Climate Smart Advisor projects.
Welcome to our joint newsletter #6! Get ready for the latest updates and insights from Climate Farm Demo and ClimateSmartAdvisors.
Welcome to another joint newsletter of the Climate Farm Demo and Climate Smart Advisor projects.
Welcome to another joint newsletter of the Climate Farm Demo and Climate Smart Advisor projects.
Climate Farm Demo-projektet skaber et unikt netværk af demo-gårde på tværs af Europa for at muliggøre peer-to-peer-læring og implementering af klimasmarte landbrugsløsninger, der kan tilpasse landbrugsproduktionen til klimaændringer og arbejde for at gøre landbrugssektoren i EU kulstofneutral.
Farm Demo-begivenheder er samlingssteder for alle aktører fra landbrugssektoren, hvor alle lærer af hinanden og deler viden på en meget praksisnær måde ved at skabe netværk og opleve nye tilgange på en gård.
Vidensdatabasen er et alt-i-et sted for klimasmarte landbrugsløsninger, værktøjer, praksis, guidelines og meget mere – organiseret for dig og let søgbar ud fra flere kriterier.
Seneste indlæg fra vores sociale medier. Følg med, så du ikke går glip af noget om disse emner.
What does it take for a farm to thrive amid #ClimateChange? Eco Farm Vodnjov is helping answer that question!
#SustainableAgriculture #ClimateSmartFarming #HorizonEurope
Happy Holidays from the #ClimateFarmDemo Team! Wishing you a #MerryChristmas2024 and a New Year filled with prosperity, growth, and impactful actions for our planet. Let’s make 2025 another milestone year for farming communities and climate action! #SustainableFuture
Join Us for the Closing Webinar of the #ClimateSmartAdvisors & Climate Farm Demo #KnowledgeExchange Week!
When? December 13th at 10:00 AM CET
Topic: #RewardingMechanisms – Incentivising the Transition to Soil-Health, #RegenerativeFarming Practices
What does it take for a farm to thrive amid #ClimateChange? Eco Farm Vodnjov is helping answer that question!
#SustainableAgriculture #ClimateSmartFarming #HorizonEurope
Happy Holidays from the #ClimateFarmDemo Team! Wishing you a #MerryChristmas2024 and a New Year filled with prosperity, growth, and impactful actions for our planet. Let’s make 2025 another milestone year for farming communities and climate action! #SustainableFuture
Join Us for the Closing Webinar of the #ClimateSmartAdvisors & Climate Farm Demo #KnowledgeExchange Week!
When? December 13th at 10:00 AM CET
Topic: #RewardingMechanisms – Incentivising the Transition to Soil-Health, #RegenerativeFarming Practices
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