Navigating Climate Challenges: Torre do Curvo’s Sustainable Practices in Portugal

Torre do Curvo is a farm located in Portugal where animal husbandry and mixed farming systems are carried out.

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Bernardo Albino runs the farm and is also a Climate Farm Demo participant.

The production system on the farm is mixed and includes agroforestry, vineyards, cereals namely wheat, barley, and triticale alongside cattle of the Alentejana breed which are raised in an extensive-type regime.

Climate actions and mitigation measures taken by the farm include crop rotation, application of low-cost organic matter such as poultry sludge, and low soil mobility by stubble retention on the ground. Partnerships with neighboring landowners mean that from October to March, sheep graze in the vineyard to control natural vegetation and provide organic fertilisation. Drainage ditches have been constructed to prevent waterlogging and the building of dams, water storage points and water lines, as part of water management measures.

A recent farm demo event on the farm involved a visit to the agroforestry system Montado, vineyards, ecological sites and cereal crops, focusing on crop rotation, circular economy, and organic fertilisation.

The event was well structured and Consulai, a Portuguese agricultural consulting firm, organised the dynamic event with observation cards that were distributed to participants and identified different categories such as “Innovation on the farm” and “Climate change impacts”. The cards were presented and discussed on a flipchart after the field visit.

Due to more than 85% of Portuguese territory practising rainfed agriculture, there is a huge reliance on rainfall for farming systems. Farmer Fernando Carpinteiro Albino expressed concern about water management and its impact on his farm and said that the two regimes must complement each other.

On measures taken by the Torre do Curvo farm, farmer Bernardo Albino said: “We tried to adapt our work and give preference to more sustainable practices such as crop rotation, animal grazing for vegetation control, photovoltaic installation and dam construction.”

“We are feeling the impact of climate change on our farm, the weather is changing. Stronger and more prolonged drought events occur, we feel higher temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns and flood phenomena. These events impact farm activity. The strong rains affect production and damage the pumping stations causing a late sowing. With the drought events, the water available in the dams for crops decreases significantly.”

Torre do Curvo exemplifies the resilience and innovation needed in modern agriculture as climate change poses significant challenges. Under the stewardship of Bernardo Albino, the farm employs a diverse mix of agroforestry, animal husbandry, and sustainable practices to adapt to shifting environmental conditions. As the agricultural landscape evolves in response to climate pressures, the lessons learned from this farm highlight the importance of collaboration, innovation and a commitment to sustainability for the future of farming in a changing climate.

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