Climate Farm Demo Newsletter #1

Climate Farm Demo is a unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers covering 27 countries all pedo-climatic areas. The aim is to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming practices and solutions by farmers and all actors of the Climate Smart Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems.

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Welcome to the Horizon Europe project
Climate Farm Demo
Newsletter #1

Do you want to learn more about our project and activities?

Keep reading!
Climate Farm Demo is a unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers covering 27 countries all pedo-climatic areas. The aim is to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming practices and solutions by farmers and all actors of the Climate Smart Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems. The wider objective is to adapt agricultural production systems to climate change and achieve a carbon-neutral agricultural sector by 2050, thereby meeting the targets of 
the EU Climate Strategy.
The project adopts a Multi-Actor approach by connecting 1,500 Pilot Demo Farms and their Climate Farm Advisors at European and national levels. The aim is to increase knowledge exchange & cross-fertilisation in their respective Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation System. The Climate Farm Advisors will support the Pilot Demo Farms in implementing Adaptation and Mitigation Measures and assess & monitor their environmental performance.
Pilot Demo Farm
is a commercial farm managed by a sustainability-oriented farmer engaged in an innovation process and in demonstration activities.
A Pilot Demo Farm implements existing or new climate-smart solutions and hosts on-farm demonstrations for regular farmers.
A Lighthouse Farm is a commercial farm managed by a sustainability-oriented farmer testing, innovating and implementing new solutions. Lighthouse Farms organise demonstration activities for Pilot Demo Farms and exchange knowledge with other farms.
The map below shows the countries involved in the project,
classified based on their level of total greenhouse gas emissions, 
and the number of farms per country.
Technical and social innovations covering a broad range of thematic areas will be demonstrated to the wider farming community. There will be 4,500 demo-events, supporting interactive and peer-to-peer learning. New and innovative Climate Smart Farming solutions will be co-created in 10 Living Labs across Europe. Lessons learned from multi-actor innovation will be shared and scaled.
A set of public and private rewarding mechanisms will be identified, proposed and demonstrated to the Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation System actors to encourage the uptake of Climate Smart Farming solutions while ensuring sustainable
business models.
Strategic and operational cooperation will be organised
with projects, flagship initiatives and policy-makers at European
and national levels in order to share knowledge, organise coordinated actions and produce policy briefs.
To accelerate the spreading and uptake of results,
an ambitious dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy will be deployed at EU and national levels.
Climate Farm Demo is an ambitious European initiative for involving stakeholders and farmers in climate transition. By applying Adaptation and Mitigation strategy in a concrete way in farms, we want to highlight the feasibility of this transition and the involvement of the agricultural sector for answering European and global objectives. Knowledge exchanges and partnerships will improve sustainability of the agricultural sector
for the next 20 years.

– Project Coordinator, 
Jean Baptiste Dollé (IDELE)
The Climate Farm Demo website is up and running! 
What are its main functions?

• Demo Farms registration, its overview and presentation, including Demo Farms map
• Demo Events registration, its overview and presentation, including Demo Events Calendar, to see reports after each Demo Event
• Carbon Tools and Adaptation & Mitigation Solutions registration, its overview and presentation
• Information about the project at About section; project Consortium, WPs
• Finding latest news and blog posts; posts from the project’s social media accounts
• Learning about Thematic areas, Living Labs and more
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Climate Farm Demo is a unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers with its overall aim to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming practices


Climate Farm Demo Newsletter #1

Climate Farm Demo is a unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers covering 27 countries all pedo-climatic areas. The aim is to accelerate the adoption