Work Packages & Deliverables

10 Work Packages are here to pull Europe agriculture sector towards climate adaptation and carbon neutrality

Work Packages


D1.2 – Database of 1,500 Climate Smart Farming Pilot Demo Farms (M18). Lead: BIOS
D1.3 – Good practices for lighthouse farms development (M74). Lead: WU
D1.4 – Recommendations for networking, KE & capacity building on CSF (M82). Lead: EV ILVO
D1.5 – Final Database of 1,500 Climate Smart Farming Pilot Demo Farms (M84). Lead: BIOS
D2.3 – Recommendations for capacity building of advisors on climate smart farming (M60). Lead: TEAGASC
D2.4 – Report on environmental & economic performance at farm, country, EU levels (M82). Lead: ATB
D3.3 – Second training module for Climate Smart Farming demonstration (M48). Lead: EV ILVO
D3.4 – Third Training module for Climate Smart Farming demonstration (M82). Lead: EV ILV
D3.5 – Recommendations for Climate Smart Farming demonstration (M82). Lead: WR
D3.6 – Database of the 6 annual demonstration campaigns and 4.500 demo-events (M84). Lead: AAC
D4.2 – Lessons learned on implementation of LL approach to co-create CSF solutions (M74). Lead: EV ILVO
D4.3 – Recommendations for AKIS & future partnerships engaged in CSF innovation (M84). Lead: UAL
D5.2 – Farms GHG accounting methodology and guidelines (M24). Lead: WR
D5.3 – Harmonised MRV framework and guidelines (M36). Lead: IDELE
D5.4 – Digital repository for carbon & environmental models, methods & tools – First update (M48). Lead: AUA
D5.5 – Digital repository for carbon & environmental models, methods & tools – Final update (M 78). Lead: AUA
D5.6 – Guidelines, techniques‘ inventory and decision trees for Adaptation & Mitigation (M78). Lead: IDELE
D6.1 – State of the art of existing and emerging rewarding mechanisms (M36). Lead: EI
D6.2 – Rewarding needs assessment (M48). Lead: I4CE
D6.3 – Capacity building toolbox on rewarding mechanisms (M60). Lead: CKIC
D6.4 – Policy briefs for scaling CSF rewarding mechanisms (M72). Lead: ELO ASBL
D7.2 – Policy briefs for policy links at EU, regional and national level (M78). Lead: CONSULAI
D7.3 – Sustainable Strategy for the network (M82). Lead: CONSULAI
D8.5 – EIP practice abstracts – batch 1 (M12). Lead: BIOS
D8.6 – Dissemination, exploitation & communication Plan at EU & National levels – First revision (M26). Lead: BIOS
D8.7 – EIP practice abstracts – batch 2 (M48). Lead: BIOS
D8.8 – Dissemination, exploitation & communication Plan at EU & National levels – Second revision (M50). Lead: BIOS
D8.9 – EIP practice abstracts – batch 3 (M72). Lead: BIOS
D8.10 – Climate Farm Demo final training toolbox (M80). Lead: BIOS
D8.11 – Final report on digital and printed dissemination, exploitation and communication material (M84). Lead: BIOS
D8.12 – Updated online content repository – knowledge reservoir (M84). Lead: BIOS
D9.2 – Data management plan – First update (M36). Lead: BIOS
D9.3 – Methodology to assess impacts related to the Work Program expected impacts (M60). Lead: IDELE
D9.4 – Data management plan – Second update (M72). Lead: BIOS
D10.1 – OEI – Requirement No. 1 (M04). Lead: IDELE
D10.2 – OEI – Requirement No. 2 (M18). Lead: IDELE
D10.3 – OEI – Requirement No. 3 (M36). Lead: IDELE
D10.4 – OEI – Requirement No. 4 (M54). Lead: IDELE
D10.5 – OEI – Requirement No. 5 (M72). Lead: IDELE
D10.6 – OEI – Requirement No. 6 (M84). Lead: IDELE

Deliverable 9.1 - Data Management Plan


The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package. This work package sets out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.

The WP9 groups the activities which will ensure a timely and quality delivery of the project’s results, meet its objectives and feed the expected impacts. The operational objectives are the following (1) the financial and administrative management of the project, (2) the coordination and monitoring of the progress of the project and results quality, (3) the dynamic planning and monitoring of the project, revising the work plan in the perspective to foster the expected impacts listed in the work program


Task 9.1: Administrative, logistical, financial management and periodic reporting (M1-M84), Lead: IDELE
Task 9.2: Project activities, scientific and technical progress monitoring, and impact coordination (M1-M84), Lead: IDELE
Task 9.3: Dynamic planning and monitoring (M1-M84), Lead: IDELE
Task 9.4. Data management plan and data interoperability (M01-M84), Lead: BIOS
Lead: BIOS

The main objective is to plan and implement a detailed Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Strategy to accelerate the uptake of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures (AMMs) among practitioners, and the understanding in the 27 EU Climate Smart AKIS and at the EU level. WP8 incorporates: 1) planning; 2) implementation and 3) capacity building to spread the project outputs among partners and at the national and EU level. Project results, tools and materials – guidelines, EIP-AGRI practice abstracts, testimonials and trainings will be stored in an online knowledge reservoir.


Task 8.1: Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) (M1-M84), Lead: BIOS
Task 8.2: Dissemination and communication activities at project level (M3-M84), Lead: BIOS
Task 8.3: Communication and dissemination at National level (M3-M84), Lead: IFJ
Task 8.4: Online knowledge reservoir (M1-M84), Leader: BIOS
Task 8.5: Climate Farm Demo final training toolbox (M24-M84), Lead: IDELE

The main goal of WP7 is to link the project with past, ongoing and future EU projects, flagship initiatives and policymakers (PIPs). The specific objectives of WP7 are to (1) Build a network of projects, flagship initiatives and policymakers (PIPs), sharing knowledge and developing synergies; (2) Participate and organise coordinated events and produce policy briefs; (3) Develop a close collaboration with the two sister projects on climate smart demo; (4) Develop a sustainability strategy for the network.


Task 7.1: Projects, initiatives and policy (PIP) Strategic Plan (M01-M12), Lead: CONSULAI
Task 7.2: Shaping the PIPs links, preparing and assessing DAPs (M01-M84), Lead: IFOAM
Task 7.3: Preparing and participating in PIPs activities (M25-M82), Lead: CONS
Task 7.4: Collaborating with “sister” climate smart demo projects (M12-M84), Leader: IDELE
Task 7.5: Strategy for self-sustainability of the network (M61-M84), Lead: CONSULAI
Lead: CKIC

The objectives of WP6 are to (1) analyse and raise awareness of rewarding mechanisms available to support the implementation of AMPs in farms, (2) to support capacity building for demonstration and use of these rewarding mechanisms in the project network, (3) to develop recommendations for EU and national policies on how to scaleup rewarding mechanisms use as levers for transformation. WP6 will analyse the needs of farmers, value chain actors, and funders to develop capacity building tools and policy recommendations.


Task 6.1: Planning and coordination (M1-M84), Lead: CKIC
Task 6.2: Rewarding mechanisms: state of the art and guidance for implementation (M2-M36), Lead: EI
Task 6.3: Assessing stakeholder needs and challenges (M2-M48), Lead: I4CE
Task 6.4: Developing capacity-building material, and supporting demonstration & innovation (M13-M84), Lead: CKIC
Task 6.5: Developing policy recommendations from EU level to local level (M24-M72), Lead: ELO

The objectives of WP5 are to (1) elaborate a harmonised carbon and environmental assessment methodology, (2) develop a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification process to measure progress, (3) build and share an inventory and description of the mitigation techniques to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon sequestration, (4) achieve an inventory and a description of climate change adaptation techniques. WP5 will gather EU and international expertise on climate change issues adapted to farms contexts for building a common framework used in pilot farms WP2 and during demonstration activity (WP3).


Task 5.1: Inventory/mapping of the existing carbon and climate methodologies/tools used in the EU (M1-78), Lead: AUA
Task 5.2: Development of a common methodology for performing climate assessments on farms (M1-M46), Lead: WUR
Task 5.3: Elaborate a Monitoring, Reporting, Monitoring process quantifying GHG reductions (M6-M46), Lead: IDELE
Task 5.4: Build a common GHG mitigation guideline (M6-M84), Lead: FIBL
Task 5.5: Build a common climate change adaptation guideline (M6-M84), Lead: ARVALIS
Lead: WR

The objectives of WP4 are (1) to co-create systemic Climate Smart solutions in 10 Living Labs (LL) with farmers, (2) to make available to practitioners the principles and tools used by the LL exemplified through the lessons learned of the people involved in using them and (3) develop recommendations for future partnerships engaged in innovation and adoption of CSF. Climate Smart solutions could be as well technical as social innovations. Ten partners will run a LL in their country with one person responsible in each for facilitation of the LL and another person for monitoring.


Task 4.1: Support of the Living Labs in a Community of Practice (M1-M72), Lead: WR
Task 4.2: Analyses of situation & conditions and set up of the Living Labs (M6-M16), Lead: UAL
Task 4.3: Running the Living Labs (M13-M72), Lead: WR
Task 4.4: Monitoring and evaluation of the Living Labs (M13-M74), Lead: ILVO
Task 4.5: Integrated assessment for recommendations for scaling and future partnerships (M60-M84), Lead: UAL

This WP will support the delivery of up to 4.500 high-quality demo events across the 27 partner countries, resulting in increased application of climate smart farming approaches by EU farmers. WP3 will support six annual demo campaigns; promote a multi-actor approach; and assist continuous learning by project actors in the delivery of demo events. The demo activities will be available to all farmers and will demonstrate the solutions incorporated (on the host farm), the efficacy of implementing the solution, the co-benefits and drawbacks.


Task 3.1: Preparing for climate farm demo events (M1-M12), Lead: TEAGASC
Task 3.2: Supporting and facilitating annual climate farm demo campaigns (M13-M84), Lead: AAC
Task 3.3: Learning from and continuously improving climate farm demo activities (M13-M84), Lead: WR
Task 3.4: Managing, coordinating and monitoring climate farm demo events (M13-M84), Lead: BIOS
Task 3.5: Building farmer and adviser capacity for climate farm demo events (M6 – M84), Lead: EV ILVO
Lead: CRPA

WP2 aims to facilitate the transition to a climate-smart agriculture in a network of 1,500 PDFs in 27 countries. Three main actions will lead to farms’ sustainability: 1) setting-up, putting into practice and monitoring of viable and tailored adaptation and mitigation measures plans (AMPs); 2) evaluation and validation of results at farm, country and European levels; 3) building farmer and adviser capacity towards the ecological transition.


Task 2.1: Planning the activities (M6-M54), Lead: CRPA
Task 2.2: Putting into practice (M6-M72) Lead: ProAgria
Task 2.3: Monitoring, results evaluation and validation at farm level (M25-M80) Lead: ATB
Task 2.4: Consolidate results at European level (M36-M84), Lead: IDELE
Task 2.5: Capacity Building for advisors and farmers (M18-M84), Lead: TEAGASC

WP1 main objectives are setting up and managing the demonstration farm network, and facilitating and capturing dynamic processes of knowledge exchange and capacity building in support of behavioural change towards climate smart farming (CSF). Following a cyclical planning, monitoring & evaluation approach throughout, WP1 will draft principles for national and European network management and knowledge exchange on CSF. Finally, WP1 will also act as the internal training center for the project, to support capacity building of PDFs, NCs and CFAs.


Task 1.1: Framework for enabling network management & knowledge exchange (M1-M9), Lead: EV ILVO
Task 1.2: Consolidation, coordination and sustainability of the PDF network (M1-M84), Lead: BIOS
Task 1.3: Managing knowledge exchange on the national level (M6-M84), Lead: SZE
Task 1.4: Managing knowledge exchange on the EU level (M6-M84), Lead: WU
Task 1.5: Climate FarmDemo training centre for PDFs, NCs & CFAs (M12-M84), Lead: CONSULAI
Task 1.6: Understanding processes of networking and knowledge exchange (M12-M84), Lead: EV ILVO